I know exactly why the caged bird sings...

Monday, April 19, 2010

I has the BEST dream last night!

I had the best dreams last night. Or this morning whichever. Maybe it was last night and this morning. And for the first time, I asked God to let me go back into that dream to finish it, And he let me. And i cant tell you how amazing it was. I could try to tell you, But the feelings i feel just cant be expressed with words :)

Last night, i had a dream i seen Tonya. If you dont know who Tonya was, or is, She is a girl who i loved dearly, She was one of my best friends growing up. We lost contact, and she passed away in 2007. I still cant believe it's been 3 years. August 8th it will be three years.

Anyway's, I seen her last night in my dream, She was so happy... More beautiful than ever, with her pretty blonde hair. She was married and pregnant. She was expecting a baby girl... When she passed away she was pregnant with a baby girl.

Well, around 7 this morning Tuffy my dog woke me up. She wanted to go out of my room, So i got up out of bed let her out, And then i said, God.. Please let me go back into that dream and finish it.. I layed back down, Fell back asleep. And there she was...... Right where we left of..

She just got a brand new house. I was so happy for her, The whole time she's showing me every room in her house all i was doing was crying. I was so thrilled for her. Her life had turned out so perfect and peaceful.

She showed me her son's room, her little girls nursery, her kitchen, and bedroom, her bathroom, her pantry full of diapers............

Just being around her, and seeing her happy, and seeing how her life had turned out just made me So happy.. I wish her life had been as it was in the dream.. And who knows, Maybe it was? I hadnt talked to her in about four years before she died..

Last time we spoke, I had just moved into this stupid house, After living at the same place for 18 years. So it was a big deal to me, life changing, and pretty much put me into a depression.......... I wasnt myself, and was going through alot... She tried calling, But unfortunetly, i pushed her away.... Four years later, She died... And even though i suffered alot of sadness because of this, I dont feel bad anymore..

I have forgiven myself, And I know she has forgiven me. I've prayed about it alot, and i finally have peace in my heart.......

I dont even know why im sharing all of this publicly.... Maybe it's meant to be for some reason who knows..

Im thankful for that dream.. Thank God that he let me go back into the dream so that i could spend just a little more time with her... But i know we will meet again one day... Untill then i'll hopefully see her in my dreams again..

Maybe having that dream meant that she is in a great place, and she was with her baby girl, and she is happy... You know?


  1. One of the hardest things in life is when you end your relationship with someone who you care about on bad terms. I'm happy for you Charity ; )

  2. Charity, Ive had these same kinds of dreams as well as waking experiences aftter my mom and grandmom passed away (read my blog for details) that makes me KNOW that they are still around. Maybe not on our plane of existence, but they are still looking out for the ones they care about. Your friend is also. Consciousness is a complex network of energy and it doesnt dissipate upon "death" it just continues its existence in a higher form. Youre a very deep and enlightened person, so you probably knew this already :P But I just wanted to reassure you that your friend is still around, watching out for the ones she cares about :)

    BTW Im the myspace dude who was asking about getting a blogger account-- see I have one now (actually two, one for my poetry and the other one for more science/spiritual stuff.)


Dear Charity,