I know exactly why the caged bird sings...

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I love how stupid people are,

and how smart they THINK they are.
Your not smart... Your really not.
And online bullying/harassment is something that is taken serious.
It's not a joke. It isnt funny. And it's not something to play around with.

And altho your concern with my b.f. isnt against the law it doesnt get a little annoying.
What goes on in my love life is nobody's buisness but my own...

If i wanted the world to know every little detail of my life and my personel relationships i'd be posting it all over the internet....

But unfortunetly ;) Im not going to do that.

Remember i share "some" things with you guy's....
But i dont share every second of my life.

My personel relationship and what i do with my life (in those areas, and all others as well) is none of YOU or anybody elses concern.

So you can keep all of your little comments to yourself..

And all of your little questions..
And all of your little thoughts...

Keep them in your little pea-brain.
And mind your own buisness.

And if you really want to talk- Contact me, Not anonymously...

But contact me;
Woman to Man,
Man to Woman,
Woman to Woman.
Dont be a coward and hide behind a computer screen.......................
And if your that worried/concerned about me; pray for me..

p.s. i know your watching ;) and i know your commenting as well....


  1. You fucking bitch

  2. Just because you chose "Anonymous" Doesnt mean you stay Anonymous..

  3. Charity knows who the guy is. It's her ex.

  4. haha- not hardly hun.. my exes dont stalk my blogs and/or anything else i do. most of my exes are all married men now with children they dont sit around on computers all day long watching what i do like other pathetic people i know *cough cough* They have actual lives!!

  5. And adding a name like TAMMY doesnt make a difference either lol

  6. All of yall that are leaving rude comments on Charitys blog are retarded. Stop stalking her! You must really be obsessed with her. Sorry you can't be her! You won't ever be anything as close to her. So stop it and leave her alone!

  7. STOP IT! NOW! Charty is a great woman. And with your level, you can impress anyone.


Dear Charity,