I know exactly why the caged bird sings...

Sunday, April 10, 2016

How To: Get More Subscribers On Youtube?

Let's talk about Youtube for a second.

So basically.. I started my Beauty channel in the year 2008.
It is now 2016. That was 8 years ago.

How am i only an 19,900 subscribers?
When most people, Just started within the last few years and have way over that amount of subscribers.

What am i doing so different?

Maybe i am not as skilled as some folks, But sometimes i can watch certain "popular" youtuber's and actually think to myself.. How in the world are they that popular on here? Im not trying to be mean, i know im boring, and annoying, and i dont have THAT much to offer- But i do seriously wonder what they have that i dont.

Better lighting?
Better camera?

I've tried to upgrade my camera.
When your low on funds, you cant buy the greatest equiptment.
And as far as lighting- I wouldnt even know where to start.
And once again, lack of funds.

So lighting, quality, no cool background?
What else?

Maybe my content sucks?
But some videos have 293,200 views on them?
And that is actually an amount of views on a video that was filmed with no lighting, and the lowest quality "web" cam available back in the day. The kind you literally plug into your computer- Terribly Pixelated and the audio is awful!

So i've tried googling, studying, watching videos on how to get more views..

Key words.. Details.. Titles.. Descriptions.. Thumbnails..
That's the best they can offer.

I've tried it all. And nothing works.


What's the real secret here? What's the truth?

I love doing what i do, and i have no intentions on quitting.
But sometimes when you post videos every other day and your highest viewer amount is 200-

It gets a lil frustrating.
And.. Honestly.. It's a downer in my opinion.

If nobody is watching my videos, or enjoying them,
Why am i doing this?

Surely not JUST for myself.
I can watch my self and hear my self all day long for nothing.


Have any tips, and/or advice?
Aside from the information my brain has already gathered?

How does someone who started 1 year ago have a million subscribers already?

It's confusing. Frustrating.
And it's a total downer.

1 comment:

Dear Charity,