I know exactly why the caged bird sings...

Friday, November 21, 2014

A year ago today.... (my accident)

TODAY is the one year anniversary, for when my accident happened.. The first picture you see is a picture of my Uncle Gene and his Wife Aunt Lucy. It was at his funeral that my accident happened.. We lost an amazing man of God- and i miss him so much-- But it was because of these events that my life was forever changed. And i know Uncle Gene would be so proud of me today!!
Some may think it was all tragedy, but i believe it was all for the glory of God. I lost my fait...h the day Uncle Gene died. I thought.. How could something like this happen? Why didnt God save him- we had so much faith in believing he would be healed. And God didnt come through- it caused a huge amount of heartache and discouragement in my life, but that night after leaving the funeral home God came through!! Even though i had lost my faith, believe me when i tell you I GOT IT BACK REAL QUICK!!!! I had to.. I needed God more than ever, who else could i turn to?
And thats when God showed me his power, and reminded me.. That there is a reason for EVERYTHING. And all things work together for good for those who love the Lord! I had two surgeries within weeks, i broke a finger, my kneecap, my wrist, 7 ribs, and my tibia in my right leg.. I shouldnt even be alive, i shouldnt even be able to walk, But God is so amazing and so wonderful.. So powerful.. He healed me, and made me new. And now, i am 100% healed and i am a walking miracle, a living, breathing testimony. I praise God every day for what he did for me. And for reavealing hisself to me, even though it was through a terrible situation....
God can make beauty out of ashes. Im alive and well because of Gods grace and goodness and his love and mercy. Thank you Lord, even though i was bruised and scarred, you put me back together and made me whole, you changed my life, and i am forever grateful!

I cannot Thank and Praise God enough for all he has done for me.
Not just for healing me, and for me surviving the accident,
But for EVERYTHING he has done.
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Thanks for reading
Forever, and ever, AMEN!
Also, You can find out more about my accident/surgeries here:
From day one in the hospital, until I got home ;)


  1. Wow, I can't believe you had such an accident. I saw the picture of your car above... Your story is an inspiration of the existence of a higher being. Amazing! I had fun back the days on blogtv =D Cheers!

  2. Oh my! I’m glad you survived that accident. It must really be that terrible, basing from the picture of the car. I’m sorry to hear that your uncle wasn’t able to survive it. Just continue to look at the brighter side of life and be thankful for the second life you have been given. Thanks for sharing that story, Charity! Take care always!

    Jonah Navarrete @ Florida Defense

  3. Hey Jonah--- Thank you for your comment! My Uncle didnt die in the crash ;) He died from Cancer.. But I WAS attending his funeral, during my accident. We was right in the parking lot of the funeral home.. He died day's before this happened.. But anyway everything is wonderful now.. I can run, and walk, and i praise God for every second of it!!

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Dear Charity,