I know exactly why the caged bird sings...

Monday, February 10, 2014

I'm a survivor.. And I am amazing..

Last night after recording/posting my latest video, I was going through some old folders on my laptop and I came across so many pictures of me from last year. Pictures of my body looking great, in a bikini, laying out, working out, all posed up & looking awesome, and it started to get to me.. Just minutes before I was praising God for getting me through these past few months and everything else I've ever been through, and within seconds the devil was able to catch my attention by bringing my focus to my outer image. I started having thoughts like "Wow I looked so great, look at my legs, how nice they looked. They will never be the same now though, because now they have scars on them." I was basically giving myself a pity party. But thank God I realize what I was doing and I stopped myself in my own tracks and I told myself this.. "I'll be sexier than ever. Because I will be a girl who overcame... A fighter.. Not just a little miss prissy, girly girl who never broke a bone before.... I'll be Charity, She-hulk.. Super Woman.." I fought death and won, and the devil tried to break my legs to keep me down,  but I'll learn how to walk again.. I broke several bones, I've had two surgeries, and too many stitches to count, and I have all of the scars to prove it ;) I have more strength and confidence now than i ever did before. There is NOTHING in this life that i cannot overcome. I AM PROOF OF THAT. I am a survivor. And that my friend, is much more sexier than any bikini body, with perfect little scarless legs.. -xoxo, Charity 

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Dear Charity,