I know exactly why the caged bird sings...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Just Keep Going...

One time....
I was taking a bath.
I had my ipod in the bathtub with me.

Ipod in my hand,
Ear phones in my ears.
And im listening to Celine Dion..
All of a sudden, the Ipod slipped out of my hand.
And into the bath tub, which was filled to the top, with water.

It was like slow motion.
Slowly the ipod sunk to the bottom of the tub.
I could see it, crystal clear, the ipod,
Drowning right before my eyes.
But Celine Dion, Just kept on singing.......

She didnt stop.
She didnt even realize she was under water,
In my ipod,
In my ears.
She didnt even care.
She just kept on singing..

And i know this is the most stupidest story you have ever heard in your entire life. But it's a great example.

No matter what your going through, Just keep on going. Dont give up, dont give in, dont let go, dont look to the left, or to the right, dont look behind you, dont look in front of you. Just keep on going. No matter what it feels like, no matter what other's say, no matter what you see or do, no matter what is happening....... No matter if the world is crumbling right before your eyes. Even if your drowning.

Just.. Keep.. On.. Going..

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Dear Charity,