I know exactly why the caged bird sings...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I love the the time change! (spring forward)

Hey Yall! I know it's been forever since i've written anything..
So i figured i would post something tonight since i was in the talking/writing mood!
I've noticed lately, im getting back into the things i used to love!
I used to love to draw. (yall probably didnt know that..)
I never was good at it, honestly i cant draw at all.
But years ago, i discovered i loved it,
and i found it oh-so-mesmerizing and therapeutic.
And yesterday, i found myself sitting on my bed drawing.
And there was so much joy in it!
Even though what i had drawn was nothing special,
It just felt good. And i felt inspired. and i loved it!
I also love writing.
Which im sure you can tell ;)
And right now, im enjoying this more than you will ever know!
There is so many things i actually love doing, and enjoy doing.
And over-time, i've forgotten about those things.
Or situations in my life (things that i've been through)
Caused me to lose the desire for those things.
...But It's all coming back to me now :)
So anyway, my message tonight is about this wonderful time change.
Which i know most of you probably hate..
But it's one of my favorite things.

I just cannot stress enough how much i adore the time change.
I love when we "spring forward".
I think it's the most beautiful time of year.
It's life-changing, and it's refreshing.
When i think of winter time, and the time going backwards-
I relate it to lonely, winter nights, that seem to last forever,
When the sun disappears at 5 pm, and the weather is unbearably cold.
And your clothes are double layered, and your skin is dry, and your miserable,
And Always, always freezing cold.
(i also relate it to dark-depressing times in my life.. ugh!)
But when Spring comes along, and the time changes again,
It's absolutely beautiful.
I know we lose an hour of sleep, but who cares?
You sleep enough dont you?
I sure do anyway. Every night.
And i sleep alot in the winter time. Like a bear.
Im also super lazy and always tired in the winter time.
But i live for summer.
No kidding, the joy of my life is summer.
(aside from God of course and the other things i love)
Im addicted to sunshine.
There is nothing better to me than sunshine.
And in the summertime, we get so much more of it.
And i love it, i love it, i love it!!!!!!!!!!!
It stays brighter, longer,
The sun doesnt say goodbye untill around 8.
And the heat is delicious.
Nothing feels better to me than the warm weather and the sun on my skin.
I would trade an hour of sleep, for more sunshine anytime, anyday.
Hello Spring! And I cannot wait to see you Summer!
If your interested ;) These were the two things i drew yesterday lol
The one of "Alice And The Chesire Cat" Was actually started in 2008.
 And i never finished it.
So yesterday i did.......
And Alice alone, is a fresh drawing.
The words written on the pictures are lyrics.
To a Christian song called "Alice In Wonderland"
By Susan Ashton.
One of my most favoritest songs ever.
So beautiful, and bitter-sweet at the same time.
It's lovely. Seriously. Go buy it on iTunes.
It Says:
"She paints her word in yellow and green, covering over the grey's.
Cause lifes demands are hard to understand.. So Alice stays lost in her wonderland..."
It Say's:
"I said, Alice look around you.. People are falling to pieces.
Yeah, even the faithful, the ones who still belive in Jesus"

And also-
This is a painting i did a few years back.
It's Jack & Sally. I love them.
I could honestly go on & on tonight about the things i love,
But i'll spare you ;)
Goodnight Yall.
Be Good.
Love One Another.
Keep On Keepin On'.
Dont Give Up.
Every Chance You Get.

I know this is totally off topic, But i have to say real quick before i end this..
Do one thing every day that makes you happy,
Or just makes you smile, or laugh..
-An old friend taught me that.

A person not often mentioned in my life to other's,
But he is someone who has changed my life in so many ways.
Simply, through his kindness..
I dont even think he realizes the difference he has made in my life.
Laughter is one of God's Greatest Gifts.
Use it, It's one of those free gift's he offers us :)
Okay, im going to bed now.. haha
p.s. i adore things that inspire me.. ahh, im like just focusing on those things right now so strongly in life...... and music is most definitely one of them.. music.. and love.. and Jesus..  and.. sunshine lol ;)


  1. dear charity ilove you so much and i would love it if u would text me back sometime it has been for ever sinec i talked to u ps this deborah grace


Dear Charity,